[Admission] Notice for the applicants who got the admission for 2024 Spring Semester

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< Announcement of the successful applicants for 2024 Spring Semester>

 Announcement of successful applicants : 2023. 12. 15.(Fri) 18:00 (KST)

 Check individually in the menu at the top of the website [입학안내-합격자조회]

    - Login with application number and password(birthday, YYMMDD)


Congratulation on your admission. Please read below statements carefully and pay tuition accordingly.

(If the payment has not been made during the designated period, your admission will be cancelled)

  ㅇ For those applicants who submitted certificate of expected graduation at the time of sending documents to Graduate School Office, they must submit certificate of graduation and academic 

     transcript by 2024. 2. 23.(Fri), otherwise the admission will be canceled.

    For those who submitted copies of required documents at the time of receipt of admission documents must submit original documents after entering the country. Otherwise, admission will be 


   (Apostille Legalization by government agencies of your country or University accreditation document issued by the Korean Embassy)


1. Tuition Payment- Registration

  - Period : 2024. 1. 2.(Tue) 10:00 ~ 1. 8.(Mon) 16:00 (KST)

     Amount : Admission fee and tuition fee

    ※ Students with full scholarship must pay for the admission fee

2. How to make payment

      Go to the website of Graduate school/go to the menu 입학안내/합격자조회/Login/등록조회

       Please check and print the information after 2024. 1. 2.(Tue) 09am(KST) from website

       Virtual bank account will be assigned individually, and the deposit can be made even if the depositer is not the successful applicants

3. Orientation for freshmen : 2024. 2. 20.(Tue) expected

   ※ May change depending on situation

4. 2024-1 Course registration period : 2024. 2. 22.(Thu) ~ 2. 28.(Wed)

5. Start date of 2024-1 semester : 2024. 3. 4.(Mon)

6. All information related to the academic affairs, classes, and dissertations is not provided individually.

   Please check graduate school website frequently as all information will be uploaded on graduate school website(grad.inu.ac.kr)

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